Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Portable Appliance Testing Training for Checking Safety of Electrical Equipments

Portable appliance is a procedure for assessing the safety of electric appliances. The in-service testing of the electric equipments is necessary for assuring the safety of employees. The portable testing training courses are designed to create testers competent in inspecting and testing electrical equipments.

Importance of Portable Appliance training

It is estimated that a quarter of all electrical accidents are linked to portable electrical equipments. Most of these unfortunate incidents can be averted by inspecting the appliances at regular intervals. According to the Electricity at Work Regulation law, only a person who has received formal training in portable testing can inspect the electrical installations in public and private buildings.

Features of Portable Appliance training courses

A highly rated Portable Testing training program complies with the latest Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) code of practice. The training course includes identification of different types of electrical equipments and the different routes through which electrical appliances are damaged. Learning the different test procedures and the right use of the testing instruments are the most important components of the Portable Appliance training courses. In addition, the participants in the course are trained in visual inspection and record keeping. No prior educational qualification or knowledge of testing electrical equipments is required for joining the Portable Appliance training courses.The highly rated PAT training courses give equal emphasis on the theories and practices of PAT testing.

Different areas of Portable Testing

After completing a Portable Appliance training course, you can join a company that specializes in Portable Testing. These companies are engaged by businesses to inspect and test the electrical equipments. However, to save the cost of hiring an external company for assessing the safety of the electrical appliances, nowadays a large number of businesses are creating their own in-house workforce trained in Portable Appliance.

The main duty of the in-house staff trained in Portable Testing is to ensure that all the electrical equipments in an organization are safe and secure. A person who has participated in a Portable Appliance training course can undertake regular visual inspections of electrical equipments in an office or factory. According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), almost 90 percent faults in electrical appliances can be identified through this process. However, for enhancing the overall safety of electrical equipments, visual inspections should be followed by Portable Testing. While testing the appliance, the tester should check the insulation of the appliance and cables, polarity of the wiring and the earthing system.

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Friday, May 25, 2012

Special Needs Students and College Admission: Do You Need Extra Time On The SAT?

"My son has special needs. What should we do about him taking the SAT? What accommodations can or should he have?"

The answer depends in part on the type of special needs your son has. Learning disabilities range in levels and severity, so accommodations are based on the needs of the individual student.

Your first step is to work with your Case Manager or Special Education/Exceptional Education Department at your high school. College Board, who oversees administration of the SAT and all accommodations, is going to ask for a formal request with documentation from your school.

Begin this process early because at peak times it can take 6-10 weeks to process a request.

The first thing the College Board looks at is: Does this child receive some type of modification to their regular testing at school? Students who do not have any accommodations or modifications at school should not expect to receive any on the SAT. But just because your child has testing adjustments at school does not mean he will qualify for modified testing on the SAT.

College Board's next question is: What accommodations can or should he have? Again, this really depends. The most common modifications I saw as a school counselor was extended time.

Some people think: Oh, wow. That's going to be great and he could really use some extra time. Maybe I should try to get my child qualified for extra time. Keep in mind, extra time can be a curse rather than a blessing. The SAT is a 4-hour long exam. Some students who are receiving 50% extra time have taken a 4-hour exam and made it a 6-hour exam plus additional time for breaks. A lot of my students with attention and focus issues have a really hard time sitting there for 4 hours; 6 hours is impossible. The extra time hurts their ability to perform on the test.

I've seen a variety of modifications and can't suggest what your son should have without understanding his learning issues. I had a student with severe arthritis who couldn't bubble in her own answers because it was such a physical strain. I've had other students who have had individual testing. While they may be allowed extended time they're also in an individual setting where it becomes a little more of a self-paced extended time exam. Other students need large print tests. Your son's accommodations will be based on his needs.

Keep in mind the SAT is intended to be a challenging test and accommodations should help put him on a level playing field with other test takers. They are not intended to improve his score or give him an advantage.

My best advice is to start the process early. Talk with your Special Education Coordinator or your Exceptional Education Department at school to find out what type of modifications might be most appropriate and most helpful. Get approved by College Board before his junior year in case there are any problems that require additional documentation or explanation.

If you have questions, you can contact College Board's Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) office directly. I have always found them to be very knowledgeable and helpful.

Finally, I have found many special needs students score better on the ACT, so encourage your son to take both tests. And your college search should focus on schools where your son will thrive academically. There are many colleges and universities with programs designed to help students with special needs.

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Etiquette for the Massage Therapist

Massage therapy is somewhat intimate as far as natural healing modalities go. Unfortunately, there is no way around this fact. The environment may be professional, but because this is such a hands-on occupation, some uncomfortable or embarrassing situations may arise.

It is the job of the Massage Therapist to create a relaxing, safe environment and a gratifying experience for the client. It is up to the client to express their wants or needs in a professional manner so that the practitioner can provide their service in a comfortable manner.

Maintaining Boundaries

Clients have a multitude of reasons for getting a massage. Many are looking to relieve stress and relax. Others receive regular massages to keep their body healthy, improve their range of motion and enhance blood circulation. Regardless of their reasoning, a massage therapist must respect the client's boundaries. They must also make their own boundaries clear to the client.

While therapeutic massages are a naturally sensual experience, they are not meant to be sexual in any way. Whether the client is female or male, the therapist is required to address any sexually aggressive or suggestive comments in a professional way. The client must understand that such requests are inappropriate. At the same time, a practitioner cannot assume that certain body parts can be touched. They must be certain the client is comfortable throughout the massage.

It is absolutely inappropriate to touch the genital area during the massage session. Clients should not expect the therapist to touch them in a sexual manner and the therapist should not be touching the client in a sexual manner. Not only would this present ethical and legal issues, but it also destroys the trust between the client and therapist.

Seasoned massage therapists understand how to avert any uncomfortable sexual advances made by a client. A delicate warning is typically all that is needed to get the point across. However, the therapist should never be afraid to make the point known with a more aggressive warning or shutting down the session altogether. A client who is being inappropriately touched should also make their concerns known. Sometimes the contact is accidental. In this case, the therapist should apologize and acknowledge the client's discomfort.

Is Clothing Really Optional?

A client should feel comfortable during their massage. The amount of clothing worn is typically dependent upon the type of massage the client is getting. It is not uncommon for those receiving a full body massage to be completely undressed. However, this is not a requirement. Clients can certainly wear briefs or panties during the session. It is all about making the client feel at ease. Whether they choose to wear clothes or not, a massage therapist will cover the client so that only the areas being worked on are revealed.

The Relationship Between the Client and Massage Therapist

The very nature of a massage is intimate. The client will give permission for such an intimate experience should the therapist remain professional. However, the therapist also relies on the trust of the client. A relationship between two parties is formed, even if it is just a professional one. It is important that both parties respect each other's boundaries so that the session can be carried out in an appropriate and comfortable manner.

Remaining Professional

Providing others with the healing power of massage therapy is an ancient and respectable profession. As more benefits of massage therapy come to light, people are becoming more accepting of the practice as a way to maintain optimal health. Well-trained, experienced and ethical massage therapists will always provide their clients with a comfortable and professional experience they both can enjoy.

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Why Is It Important To Teach Functional Skills To The Special Needs Student?

Functional Skills are essentially the skills we use each and every day as we go about living our lives. Consider that the more Functional Skills/Life Skills learned by individuals with special needs the greater the level of their independence.

Functional Skills include:

* Getting dressed

* Cooking

* Cleaning

* Laundry

* Shopping

* Money skills

* Getting around the community

* Specific work skills

* Social skills

For most of us, learning Functional Skills came easily, but for individuals/students who have special needs (sometimes the term cognitively disabled may be used) learning these skills can be a challenge.

Special Needs students need to have the these important life skills broken down into small steps. Repeated practice of each of these steps allows them to gain a degree of independence. For example; they must first learn a general skill such as addition, and then practice applying the addition skill in different content areas, such as with the concept of money. They then need to specifically practice the addition of money as a separate and new skill.

These individuals are also more likely to have difficulty in generalizing these Functional Skills from the classroom setting to the actual environment where they will need to use these skills.

The more we can teach Functional Skills in an actual setting, such as the laundromat, kitchen or grocery store, and with the actual material/equipment, the better and easier it will be for the student to learn and apply their skill. It is also best to use material that is already part of their everyday lives such as, their own sweater, actual money, the local city map and bus schedules, menus from nearby restaurants and the local grocery store ads. By using materials that the student is already familiar with, they will be able to grasp the relevance of the skill easier.

In short, the more Functional Skills that are mastered by the special needs student the more independent they are likely to be. Keep in mind that when teaching these life skills, it is important to remember to break the skill down into small achievable steps, teach the skill in an actual environment (or in a realistic environment if possible) and preferably with the use of the actual material/equipment. The student with special needs will have an easier time learning Functional Skills as well as transferring and applying these skills into their everyday lives. Everyone wants and deserves the opportunity to be the best that they can be!

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Online Dating Made Simple - 3 Tips to Simply Using Online Dating Sites to Meet Women

Online dating can be a really simple way for a guy who has run out of ideas to meet women to actually connect and interact with single women. You don't even have to be someone who has run out of ideas, you might just prefer using a platform other than the normal bar scene to meet a woman. However, as simple as it may be, a lot of men find that it ends up being harder than they had hoped it would be. Some will even feel that way before they even get started and hopefully, that does not happen to you. If it does, there are things that you can do that will simplify the process of using online dating sites to meet women.

Here are 3 tips that I think you will find makes it a lot easier to meet women on the internet:

1) Don't just opt for one site and one site only.

When you first start out, you may want to try using just one site to get a feel for what you are doing and how to make yourself stand out. However, you might find that the first site that you choose doesn't seem to have the selection that you are looking for, or that the number of women who are available in your area is just too little. If that is the case, then you may want to try a couple of other sites if you can. Kind of like going to one bar and seeing that it is dead and then deciding to make the rounds to a few other bars to see if they are more lively.

2) Do try your best to start conversations with women online.

Using a web based platform to meet women is no magic bullet where you are automatically going to just attract female attention. You are going to have to try and make things happen and that means that you need to be able to start conversations with women and see how it flows from there. Don't worry if you don't get it right on the first few women you try to connect with. There will be more.

3) Don't forget that what you really need to do is to make a woman want to get to know you in person.

It's great that you can use your computer to connect with someone and you can have some fun flirting with a woman online, but if you really want to see some magic in your dating life, then you are going to have to advance off of the computer and meet up face to face. Don't forget that.

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Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Amazing Secrets Of Conquering Approach Anxiety To Be Super Successful With Women

If approach anxiety has ever held you back from taking advantage of a golden opportunity to meet a woman, then you definitely need to read this article. When it comes to conquering your anxiety over approaching women you basically need to learn how to act confident, keep approaching women it the proper perspective and know what to say to start a conversation. After reading this article you will begin to smash through the self imposed barriers to your success with women.

It takes confidence to meet women and these no way around it. Even more so than good looks, confidence attracts a woman to a man. So, if you are not very confident around women you must employ the secret of acting as if! People going on job interviews learn how to act as if they were confident. Boxers learn how to act as if when they are scared. And so can you.

Practice speaking in a full voice when talking to women. Smile and establish comfortable eye contact. After faking it for awhile you will begin to relax around women and really become confident.

Learn how to act confident around women can be easier when you maintain the proper perspective on approaching women. First, regardless of how attractive a woman is, she's not the only pretty girl in the world. Pretty girls really are a dime a dozen. If a particular woman rejects you, there are literally millions more out there.

Also, realize that a lot of approach anxiety occurs because we make approaching a woman a life or death situation. In the history of civilization no man has ever died because he was rejected. Let your attitude be that regardless of how this woman responds, there are many more available women who will be glad to go out with a stud like me.

After you learn how to keep the proper perspective on meeting when you should know what to say to break the ice with a woman as well as what not to say. First of all, keep things light, humorous and charming. Something as simple as "Hi. I don't believe we've ever met. My name is Michael. What's your name? Compliments work well for breaking the ice. "Hi. I couldn't resist coming over here and introducing myself to a woman with such pretty eyes." learn a few basic lines. Having some idea of what you are going to say helps reduce your approach anxiety.

You should avoid heavy or controversial subjects like religion, drugs, abortion and politics.

So when you look at it, learning how to act confident, maintaining the proper perspective and knowing what to say can greatly reduce your approach anxiety. Now that you've been exposed to these simple, yet effective women getting tips, you should be ready to get out there and start approaching the women you crave with confidence and boldness!

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